The Pokemon Company Because Finding Pokemon, Man Resign from His Work - His name is the obsession, willing to do anything, including le...

Because Finding Pokemon, Man Resign from His Work

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The Pokemon Company

Because Finding Pokemon, Man Resign from His Work - His name is the obsession, willing to do anything, including leaving the job after the preferred diving activities. That is done by a man from New Zealand named Tom Currie.

The Guardian reports that summarized KompasTekno, Saturday (16/07/2016) mentions that last week he resigned from his job to go hunting monsters cute in the popular mobile game Pokemon Go.

"I wanted an adventure," said Currie about his motivation. "I've worked for six years and was eager to take a break. Pokemon gives me a chance. "

Currie also packs a backpack and goes around New Zealand by bus. In less than a week, he had already visited six cities and managed to catch 90 species of Pokemon, of the 151 species that exist in the game.

Although forced to save money by staying at a friend's house or at a crowded backpacker inns, he tirelessly hunts. Some new Currie rested at dawn after walking miles and kilometers away to search for Pokemon.

Currie hunt Pokemon adventure seems to attract the public's attention to New Zealand. He says he contacted several transportation companies that offer services to various locations Pokemon ride.

A similar offer came from outside New Zealand, including from companies based in Canada, the US, Ireland, to India.

Tom  Currie , New Zealand man who quit his job for the sake of traveling around the country to find Pokemon
Game Pokemon utilizes GPS, mapping, and cameras on smartphones to bring the thrill of the hunt Pokemon in the real world with the help of Augmented Reality (AR).

Pokemon players looking for a location map will move according to the position in the real world and then trying to catch a Pokemon that appears by throwing the ball specifically named Poke ball.

Everything is done through the phone screen but requires activity went to the actual locations in the real world.